Joint Civil-military Operations Task Force



A joint civil-military operations task force, or JCMOTF, is a task organized military unit with the functional purpose of conducting
civil-military operations Civil-military operations or CMO are activities of a military force to minimize civil interference on and maximize civil support for military operations. CMO is conducted in conjunction with combat operations during wartime and becomes a central p ...
. A JCMOTF generally contains civil affairs type forces with specialists in areas such as nation building,
humanitarian assistance Humanitarian aid is material and logistic assistance to people who need help. It is usually short-term help until the long-term help by the government and other institutions replaces it. Among the people in need are the homeless, refugees, and ...
, public works and utilities, public safety and health, public education, governance and economics. A military commander may form a JCMOTF during war or disaster relief to stabilize and rebuild an area. A commander may also employ a JCMOTF during peace to perform humanitarian or nation assistance. A JCMOTF may also contain civilian governance, development or stabilization specialists.


Civil affairs Civil affairs units and formations of the United States {{US-mil-stub